Monday, October 3, 2016

Grief Triggers Can Be Healthy Triggers

As humans we long for connections with each other. The death of a loved one does not diminish that desire, but actually intensifies it. We want what we cannot have, so grief finds a way to get that connection back. Our job as grievers is to learn how to be thankful for the experiences that keep us close to our departed loved ones without being tortured by those experiences. Grief triggers can become healing triggers.
We invite you to join us tomorrow night for Journey Through Grief, as we discuss grief triggers and how we can find healing in them.
The group meets the 1st Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the young adult room at Riverlawn Christian Church. Anyone ages 18+ are welcome!
If you'd like more info regarding our meeting place and time, click "Meeting Information" at the top of the page.
Blessed to be joining you in the journey...
Jami, Janet and Karen

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