Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Enduring Grief...

Do you have days when it feels impossible just to make it through? We all do! Anyone that has lost someone they love has been there, but it's important to remember that those feelings won't last forever! When the loss is new we are consumed with grief, and we never truly "get over it" as some might think. We keep pressing forward and the grief and feeling of loss is still there... it just changes. I remember when I lost my Dad, after 6 months I still felt like I was suffocating with sorrow, but as I clung to my faith and the promise of God's word that "joy comes in the morning," my grief did change over time. I can look back now and see where I've grown and moved forward and to look back and say that my success rate for getting through the hardest of days is 100%... I strangely find comfort in that!

I know that journeying through grief with others that understand has really been a huge help for me. If you or someone you know is struggling in their grief journey and could use some understanding and encouragement, please join us! What a difference it makes to walk alongside one another and best of all to remember that when we feel to weak so stand on our own... our Heavenly Father will carry us through.

Blessed to be joining you in the journey,
Jami and Janet

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