Friday, October 30, 2015

Finding Peace & Joy in the Midst of Loss

Life unfolds at its pace, and we need to go with the flow. Attachment and detachment are the two points where we oscillate as a pendulum. Wisdom dawns at this stage. there is an extremely thin line that demarcates loneliness and solitude…cross that line to enter the tranquil zone of solitude. Joy comes from the heart, not external stimuli. Accept where you are to find a way out of any situation and you will soon discover a path that leads to joy.

Join us this Tuesday, November 3rd for Journey Through Grief Support Group. The group meets at 7 p.m. in the Young Adult Room at Riverlawn and anyone ages 18+ is welcome to attend. Don't journey alone, it helps to have support and encouragement along the way from people who understand how you feel because they've experienced loss too. For more info or directions to RCC, click the "meeting information" link at the top of the page. 

Blessed to be joining you in the journey...
Jami and Janet

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