Monday, August 4, 2014

Journey Through Grief Begins Meeting October 7th!

Hello Friends!
We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us for our very first Journey Through Grief Support Group meeting on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 7 p.m. The group will meet in the Young Adult room at Riverlawn Christian Church. (click here for address and directions)

Our meeting will last for approximately an hour and a half, and will be a casual time of learning what the group is all about, as well as meeting and getting to know others that are also experiencing their own journey through grief. It is a safe place to share feelings and struggles and find commonality and understanding with those that have also experienced personal loss.

The group is open to anyone ages 18 and over and is not exclusive to RCC members. It is not a course study with homework, therapy or counseling... but simply a time to gather and encourage one another through sharing, discussion, love and prayer as we work through our grief.

We will plan to meet the 1st Tuesday of every month and you are welcome but not obligated to join us any time you like. If you visit the group and decide that you're not ready for it, you can simply come back any time as you feel comfortable and please feel free to invite grieving friends or loved ones to join you!

Between meetings, we will share information and encouragement through this site, email, and our group Facebook page - which is by invitation only for members of the Journey Through Grief Support Group.     You can sign up for this group through Riverlawn Small Groups, but no sign up is required, you can just join us at the Oct. 7th meeting. If you'd like to email us to let us know you plan to attend, or if you'd like to talk with either of us we are here for you, so please contact us any time. We may not have all the answers, but we promise to meet you with love, compassion and understanding. We look forward to sharing our grief story with you.

 You are NOT alone!

Blessed to join you in the journey...
Jami and Janet

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