Monday, January 5, 2015

Resolving To Press On...

Hello Friends,
There's hope for the journey as you resolve to press on in the new year! If you or someone you know could use support in grieving the loss of a loved one...join us for the Journey Through Grief Support Group Tuesday, January 6th at 7 p.m. in the Young Adult Rm. at Riverlawn Christian Church. 

Feel free to share this invitation with someone you love!

Joining you in the journey,
Jami and Janet

New Year's Resolutions for the Bereaved
By Tanya Lord

This year I resolve to: 
  • Not put a time limit on my grief. Loving someone means loving them for my lifetime whether they are physically present or not.
  • Tell their stories, the happy and the sad - they will live on through me.
  • Encourage others to share memories.
  • Teach others that they cannot "make" me cry, tears are only an external expression of how I am feeling all the time.
  • Understand that crying or otherwise expressing my pain is healthy and normal. "Doing well" means expressing my feelings.
  • Understand that others will not understand my pain and it isn't fair to expect them to do anything but listen.
  • Recognize that asking for help from those that love us is really a gift that we give to them.
  • Help others, reaching out to others in pain will help me to heal.
  • Do something nice for myself every day.
  • Know that if today I cannot do everything that needs to be done, tomorrow is another chance to get it done.
  • Cry when I need to, laugh when I can and not feel guilty about either one.
  • Let go bit by bit of the guilt, regret and anger because I know that holding on to these emotions can be so damaging.
  • Take a risk and let others into my life and heart.
  • Take care of my physical, emotional and spiritual health.
  • Reinvest in life a little bit each day.